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Detect and prevent fraud on financial Statement_Discussion 2

Detect and prevent fraud on financial Statement_Discussion 2

Q In this group discussion, you will be placed into a small group to analyze the case presented in Chapter 3 in the textbook, titled “The Sizzling Saga of Sunbeam.” Question: The participants and the way the fraud was committed in the Sunbeam

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A huge fraud in accounting was directed by Albert J. Dunlap being the chief executive of the company named Sunbeam Corporation. Arthur Andersen’s partner, the firm by which books of Sunbeam was audited helped Albert. Other participants in the fraud were the former controller of Sunbeam named Robert J. Gluck, the former vice president of marketing named Donald R. Uzzi and the former vice president of sales named Lee B. Griffith ("SUNBEAM CORPORATION", 2017).